SEO News
SEO News

Google Launches a New SEO Guide for Webmasters

This article was updated on August 6th, 2020 at 05:57 am

It is things like this that makes you feel old.

Remember the classic ‘ol SEO Guide from Google? If you’ve been a blogger, it should’ve been your bible (sort of). And it’s been that way for years. The golden guide of do’s and dont’s from Google team, headed by Matt Cutts.

Matt Cutts is no longer with Google and things have changed/evolved in the SEO world. Google has changed too. But the SEO guide didn’t.

Well now it has.

Google has launched or rather revamped its old SEO guide adding in new terminologies, explaining newer technologies and overall, sprucing it up for the new!

The new guide now has an index and is better organized as well. Take a look here.

Wish there were more illustrations like in the Moz guide, which is by far the best guide on SEO I’ve seen till date.

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