Category "SEO"

Articles on Search Engine Optimization Tips.

Who is a good SEO? How to be one.

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SEOs are frowned upon. Admit it. Though Search Engine Optimization is a reputed profession, many a times, SEOs are seen as trouble makers, sometimes even within organizations. Not trying to generalize,but some of it is based on my personal observations, and some from the industry. Obviously, SEOs are entirely responsible for this. Engaging in black hat practices, being adamant about “rules” when you don’t have any, not being able to deliver results on time are all possible factors to this. Read full article [...]

December 11, 2012: Another Google Panda Update?

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Looks like there’s a significant amount of SEO seismic activity as we speak. Activity was noted couple of days back on December 5th, and today (December 11th, 2012) there is more. Mozcast details. SERPs details. Also, there’s activity reported in Web Master World forums. If these reported activities turns out real, this might be the major update after the recent Panda update on November 22nd. I have seen, improved organic traffic on certain properties since December 4th. Not sure Read full article [...]

Bing SEO : Now Goes Official with Webmaster’s Guidelines

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SEO was always intended for Google. Bing and Yahoo always followed suit. If it was good for Google, it was ok with Bing and Yahoo. Why? Because there were very little efforts from Bing and Yahoo regarding how to optimize websites for better search results and relevancy. There were even lesser information regarding how Bing and Yahoo algorithms worked. Not trying to say that there were no efforts at all from them but compared to what Google did with Web Master’s Central, Yahoo and Bing’s efforts Read full article [...]

Looking back at SEO in 2012

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I think we’re at the middle of a major transition in Search. An evolution, so to speak. 2012 was all about cleaning up, improving quality and moving on from the old school ways. Updates came in one after the other, bringing a lot of clarity to the SEO community. Some metrics that were “possibly” affecting search, were now confirmed, some myths dispelled and many new, now confirmed. It was also probably an year, where Google made its best communication efforts with the webmaster community. Read full article [...]

5 Honest Tips to An Efficient Link Building Strategy

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Some folks say link building is dead. I beg to differ. May be, I’ll rephrase it. Link Building as we know it, with its traditional methods, is dead. But that’s how its always been. Someone finds a method to link building, a lot of SEO folks exploits it. And then Google finds out. End of story. But in my opinion, if your link building strategy is genuine and natural, it will always be relevant and long standing. Just don’t try to manipulate the search engines. Before thinking about link Read full article [...]

Could Twitter favorites be affecting Google Search?

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Okay, this might come off as a crazy thought, but that’s how I felt about social signals affecting Google SERPs three years back (4 SEO factors search engines might talk about more in 2010 – a 2009 article). So, let’s spent some time discussing this. We’ve seen many studies on how social signals affect search. What social signals do Google & Bing count – Danny Sullivan This is probably the best insightful post published on this topic so far and I love it for the clarity. With Read full article [...]

Could user behaviors like reading speed also count in SEO?

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Bill Slawski has found another Google patent that makes it possible for the search engine to detect and measure reading speed of web documents. This in most probability is not anything to do with SEO, but more a user behavior tracking, gathering data that Google could use for other reasons. For instance, figuring out the average reading speed of a document and then keeping it a standard to filter out automatic bots or paid page views. Bill explains in the article how Google could possibly be using Read full article [...]

Top SEO Articles & thoughts on Online Marketing this week

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With the changing SEO landscape, the webmaster community is pretty much unanimous in acknowledging the fact that today’s SEO is vastly different from what had been practiced earlier couple of years ago. There were several articles that got my attention this week. Here are a few. 1. Is Google trying to punish SEO? This article written by Ian Spencer of Clear Web Services, looks at the changing face of SEO from a different perspective. It asks a question, that is Google punishing SEOs for what Read full article [...]

9 Golden rules for the responsible webmaster

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Take a look back to SEO in 2005. Make a list of all the do’s and don’ts we had at that point. Compare it with what you have today. Can you see a pattern? Probably not from a bird’s eye perspective. But if you dig deep, there is clearly an evolution path. Some frills shed, some wings emerge and there’s a beautiful pattern. Keeping in mind that there had been so many changes and algo updates with Search Engines in the past few years, let’s take a look at where SEO stands today. What are Read full article [...]

Most Reliable Enterprise SEO Softwares Out There

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SEO softwares are plenty. SEO Tools, in thousands. But when it comes to Enterprise SEO, we need scalable, in depth featured, sophisticated softwares. We’re talking about tracking a thousand keywords across different demographics on multiple language sets with detailed reports and regular rank checks with API integration. Regular SEO Tools fall short of these Enterprise features. Here is a list of all the top Enterprise SEO softwares available today. Disclaimer: I’ve not used all of them, Read full article [...]