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I love anything to do with online marketing & search. Catch me on Facebook, Linked In and Twitter to learn more. Also, here's a short bio.

Do Interstitial Ads affect SEO? Is Google favoring the biggies?

- - SEO
We’ve all come across it. You click on a very reputed site’s link from Google results and while at the site, before the actual content the ad pops up (actually fills up) and you got to click some tiny “x” somewhere there to move further ahead that it almost becomes a mini game in itself. So, there are technically two parts to the whole process soon after the click. One – the game (err.. the Ad) and then the clicking part which takes you to the actual content. Typically, from examples Read full article [...]

WTF is a “High Quality Site”, Google?

- - Blogging
If you have noticed Google’s official blog or press releases, you will notice that they keep repeating certain phrases time and again, never really bothering to explain what exactly it means. They sure give you hints and pointers but never the beef. It looks like “High Quality Content” tops the charts of the most used phrases from Google. WTF does high quality site mean, after all? While all of us (website owners and webmasters) are striving to create amazing content, trying to keep readers Read full article [...]

What Google’s New Update means to websites

- - SEO Trends
It looks like, Google has updated its algorithms significantly recently (Apr 24), and webmasters are as usual, looking very agitated. SEO forums are reporting ups and downs in traffic, but these are not sure signals at the moment, as anything solid can only be seen over the coming days. Google’s new update is all about fighting webspam this time – “leveling the playground” – in Matt Cutt’s words. The official blog warns – “In the next few days, we’re launching an important algorithm Read full article [...]

Google Wallet now available on more Android phones

- - Technology News
Just when we thought that Google Wallet is getting no where comes the news that Google has decided to open it up to more devices. Earlier, there were several criticisms on Google Wallet being restricted to Google’s own Nexus phone and not being of any particular help to “regular folks”. Now, Google Wallet is available on three new phones from Sprint, including: Galaxy Nexus, LG Viper 4G LTE and LG Optimus Elite. Google Nexus unlocked was made available last day and is now available for buying. Read full article [...]

10 Free SEO Tips from Search Engine Experts

- - Blogging
Be very cautious whom you take SEO advice from. There are several free tips and resources out there on the web that one cannot figure out which one to rely on. Implementing SEO advices is easy, after all, it’s a small tweak here and another there – is it not? Wrong. Professional SEOs who’re serious with their stuff will always study your website well before giving advices. While general SEO tips can be given (as you’ll find on this blog) its probably not a good idea to assume that they’re Read full article [...]

Combine Google Analytics with SEO Data

- - SEO Software
Using Google Analytics to analyze your SEO performance is probably the most easy and significant way to evaluate your SEO efforts. With an overwhelming amount of data flowing through the backlink channels and pages, its tough but inevitable to measure every little detail of things like where most referrals come from, which backlink sent you the most conversions, which link building campaign gave you the most organic traffic etc. I make it a point to note down and record every small change I make Read full article [...]

Which is the fastest 4G Mobile Network?

- - Technology News
Which is the fastest 4G mobile network, is the million dollar question today. After all, one knows that all that’s said on TV and Ads aren’t entirely true. 4G has really taken off in the U.S last year (2011 - 2012) and the 4G services has improved a lot over this time. Early adopters to 4G mobile broadband had complained of sluggishness, limited connectivity and dropped connections. Today there are over five 4G mobile broadband network providers in the US. PC World does a comparative study Read full article [...]

Get rich snippets for Product listings on Google

- - SEO News
Google’s snippets got updated recently mainly for product listings. For sites like Ebay where there are products listed, users were able to see certain product factors like rating (seen with stars) earlier. Now, the update will let users see more information on the product like cost, number of votes, recommendations etc. Also product rich snippets are now available for everyone. The rich snippets testing tool also supports HTML input now. So you can test their HTML source without having to publish Read full article [...]

Create a Free Mobile website with Google

- - Technology News
Creating a mobile website is not easy. Of course, you have those free plugins that will make an instant change with a tap, but creating a real mobile version of a website with a proper responsive design, and good user experience requires lot of thinking and hard work. Google wants to help you. Google says that one reason for a high bounce rate on referrals from mobile devices is the bad user experience on websites. And there is only one way to fix it. Create a good mobile experience for users! Read full article [...]

Facebook will make you hate Instagram

- - Technology News
Hope not. But it appears that possibilities point in this direction. Now, that Instagram is bought for $1 Billion by Facebook, Instagram, which was one of the rarest apps that ran purely on soul and emotions, might turn the other way round. Instagram is all about the community Instagram is(was) built solely on emotions and that’s why probably Kevin Systrom kept it simple and to the point. There were no distractions or ads, which was a huge USP in my opinion. It would’ve been an huge task Read full article [...]