10 Efficient Software for Online Reputation Management

- - SEO Software
Building a good reputation online is no easy game. For folks who monitor their brands for negative reviews, it’s a fire fighting game day in and day out. Here are ten softwares that can help you. While building good image can be easy, maintaining it and stopping bad reviews from popping up can be daunting. You need to take charge and control online search results based on it’s notion and perception which could be sometimes misleading, inaccurate and can hit your business and online reputation Read full article [...]

How to monitor links to your website like a pro

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If you are a webmaster struggling to keep up with links or daunting to monitor the changes, then here is the solution. With Linkody in place, you need not worry about managing your excel sheets with data of inbound links to your domain. Why do you need to monitor backlinks? Ever seen those ugly 404 error returned on some URLs and those links magically disappearing which you once thought were permanent inbound links. Intentionally or unintentionally unmonitored links could be problem than reward Read full article [...]

10 Incredibly Useful Project Management Tools for Bloggers & Content Marketing Folks

- - Blogging
Managing small teams without the right tools can be a nightmare. Outsourcing content requirements for various blogs or hiring in-house content creators can be easy but managing the progress, communicating with the team and tracking the publication can be easier said than done.  As a freelancer or a webmaster, managing team and excelling in content development field is more about working smart with great tools and softwares rather than working hard and wasting time. The list of 10 project management Read full article [...]

12 Amazing Softwares for Blogger Outreach

- - Blogging
Gone are the days when the world of marketing was ruled by advertisements. This is the era of marketing through influencers online who have thousands or sometimes millions of followers. I am talking about none other than bloggers and their potential blogs which could be your next big marketing platform. Influential bloggers have great traffic in terms of readership and also have huge social media followers and fans. How can you take your step towards marketing through Web influencers like Read full article [...]

25 Amazingly Optimized SEO Responsive WordPress Themes

- - Blogging
Themes with great user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are indeed the best themes that your WordPress blog or site ought to have. SEO has shown big inclination towards good User Experience and UX practices, in the last couple of years - Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3.  But there is also more to just themes with good UI and UX, it’s the code and responsiveness of the theme you choose. As you already know, it’s highly effective to have a theme that is well coded and search engine optimized. This Read full article [...]

15 Handy SEO Tips for Photographers

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Search engines are all about text input and text or media - or that is the common perception. As you can see, the very basic contradiction here is text vs media. Photographers are media geniuses who capture pictures and make their site to showcase their talent in photography. But the thing is, your potential clients search on the web by means of queries which are in the form of text. Any search engines Google or Bing or others, love text input and also search for relevant text to show the results. So Read full article [...]

How to deal with the (Not Provided) problem, What SEO experts are recommending

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“Not Provided” for “Extra Protection”! In one of the recent Google’s drastic changes, 100% organic search keywords data is now “Not Provided” which means the webmasters remain petrified with no clue on which keywords lead the traffic to their site. Google had earlier announced secure search being introduced for those who are signed-in in 2010 stressing on the importance of securing the personalized search results. But on September 23, 2013 the company has encrypted all the search Read full article [...]

How to understand website visitors better using Google Analytics

- - Online Marketing
Most of the time, when you talk about success for a website, its always traffic – that’s it. Number of visits, number of page views, referral traffic and that’s about it. But what do these numbers tell you? Have they left clues for you that you aren’t seeing? Are you missing opportunities to double your traffic? And most importantly, are you missing opportunities to improve the user experience? If you haven’t been using Google Analytics well, chances are that you are sitting on a gold mine Read full article [...]

10 Powerful Apps for Social Media Optimization & Analytics

- - Social Media
Internet is flooded with loads of social media sites. Businesses, brands and companies are all in rush to market their ideas and products on every possible social platform. As the number of social networking sites and platforms are increasing, the prospects and customers are getting distributed making it mandatory for brands to make their presence felt on every other online social media. Things are getting complicated and managing social media marketing is getting tougher, especially in the area Read full article [...]

15 Valuable SEO Strategies for E-Commerce Websites

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Business on internet means being optimized to search engines and social networking. Any business online cannot survive without one of the two. How can you even dream of selling your products by setting up an online store without people being able to find it? In-order to get more traffic and having potential customers visit your ecommerce site, search engines must rank you on top of your competitors so that your site is seen on the search results. For all this to happen and for you to succeed Read full article [...]