SEO News

Google’s New Algorithm update will target more low quality queries

Google Algorithm Update

It doesn’t stop with a Penguin or Panda.

Google’s Payday Loan algorithm that was “released” sometime around May 17th, 2014 has an update today.

Matt Cutts confirmed this at the SMX conference today via this tweet.

Payday 3.0 specifically targets spammy queries, versus spammy sites. (Note the difference?)

What that means is not clear at this moment, but queries like [payday loans], [casinos], [viagra] and other forms of highly spammy queries (in the sense that they have very low quality websites created in the past) is expected to be targeted and their SERPs affected.

From what I’ve seen so far, there has not been any significant impact on search volumes for those search queries (particularly payday loans) or organic traffic resulting from it.

May be it’s too early to say.


I can talk about Marketing and SEO all day long. Passionate about blogging, SEO & Online marketing. Perpetual learner.

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