The Art of designing compelling posts on Google+ : 10 Tips

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Google Plus, the little one of Google is a sure sword in the battle field of internet to fight back your primary enemy (sure it is!) the SEO. You can not only win on Google Plus the much needed traffic to your website by networking and socializing, but also you can win your authority in the search engine by effectively utilizing the true potential of Google Plus by learning to create posts that get huge number of +1s, sharing, engagement and not to forget the SEO benefit.


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Let’s get started and explore the tips and tricks:

1. Design tempting ‘Headlines’

Unique, specific and useful headlines rule like king in grabbing the attention and instigating the fingers to click. Be creative enough but also make it a point to cut short it for up to 60 characters or else the words just jump to the next line. But in case if you ought to break your heading to the second line then just make sure your first line will set the stage.

2. Start your post with a killer first line

After the update by Google plus, you can see only three lines of the post snippet in your feed and then there is ‘Read more..’. So your first lines can make or break your readers interest.

3. Google loves the same for your Google Plus post as for a blog post

Unique, quality, well researched, free of factual errors, good grammar and spelling, write for humans not machines, etc… does these words look familiar? These are the guidelines for writing a blog post that Google loves. And the same holds true for a great Google Plus post as well.

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4. Don’t litter your posts with links

If you don’t have enough time to post a few words before you post your business link or a blog post link then why do you think others will ever have time to read and share your stuff? Don’t just paste a link and share it on your profile or community instead add some value to it. Let your fans and followers know why it is important for them to click the link and read the stuff. Also guide them as to what content can they expect and how beneficial it is.

5. Stop commanding and insisting your readers to follow the link

Here is my new blog post that you must read/click to read my greatest post ever that I recently posted/share if your care/blah-blah, why are you commanding your readers to do something that most of them hate to do? Describe your posts so that readers get interested to read and share rather than you telling them about their next action.

6. Avoid stuffing your Google Plus post with keywords

Keyword stuffing is now a old school trick that doesn’t work the way you think it does. Keyword implementation is important though, it has to be regulated and see to it that overdoing can only cause harm. The semantic search has evolved to be intelligent enough and trying to fool Google is not a good idea.

7. Get creative, post something interesting related to your brand

Always talking about your product, your business or your posts is definitely boring and sometimes over doing this can be like spamming your followers profile feed. Get creative, be humorous, play some games! Remember, social media is about getting connected and meeting the frequencies of your followers so always follow the rule number one 80-20 percent. That means only 20% of your rant should be about you and the rest of 80% should be about engagement  by talking about lifestyle, queries, solutions, fun and more but somewhere related to the area of your brand.


8. This is the visual era, bring them on – images can make a big difference

Pictures are always fun and they attract people’s attention like nothing. Convey a message with creative images. These not only will help you get +1s and shares but chances are that your followers will become proactive and leave awesome comments so that you can engage with them. Rather than using the thumbnail feature, upload the image separately to get it bigger.

9. Format your posts in order to emphasize and convey the message clearly

G+ does not give a lot of options to edit and format but I have the trick for you!

For bold text: *Bold* gives this output Bold

For italic effect: _Italic_ gives you Italic

Strikethrough: -Strike- gives Strike

10. Most important of all is to enjoy every bit of what you do


Your circles, your fans and followers, all them are nothing but humans. Have that ‘Human touch’ in your posts, touch the feelings of ‘Human beings’, talk to them like you were talking your friends. And that is what will make your Google Plus posts stand out in the crowd and make people get connected with you. Have fun not alone but with your family on G+.

One bonus tip- Post something to your followers feed that you like to see on your own feed. Think what makes you comment and share, write the same on your profile so that others feel the same. You get what you put into Google plus, so put something that you want back.

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